Cats are independent beings. They interact with us on their own terms, but like independent older people, they need someone to check on them. Here are some reasons cats need daily visits.
1. Cats hide and can get hurt. The term “curiosity killed the cat” may be extreme however cats can find themselves in very dangerous situations. We don’t know how he did it, but one of the cats we care for found himself trapped inside a shower stall! Because we were visiting every day, he was “rescued” fairly quickly but had no access to food/water or a litter box. Fortunately, he was fine but was definitely terrified and very happy to get out when we arrived.
2. Animals instinctively hide illness to remain predators instead of prey. When cats are sick enough to show it, they decline quickly. As Professional Pet Sitters, we are familiar with kitty behavior and more specifically, the behavior of our clients’ cats. We notice when things are not quite right and can alert our client and know when to take a pet to vet. We ask our clients to sign a release form allowing us to bring their pets to the vet in case of an emergency and ask that they advise their vet that their Pet Sitter has permission to bring pet and that they will cover costs. We have seen medical emergencies such as a deadly urinary tract blockage that required immediate veterinary care.
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